
The 护理学院 Dean's office is located on the second floor of the historic Garrand building.


作为护理学院的新院长, 7月1日起, 2023, I am excited to take the helm of a college with an admirable history and strong reputation of producing graduates with the passion to make an impactful difference in service for the greater good of society. Our academic programs and institutional infrastructure are designed not just to train skilled health care professionals, 但, 耶稣会的传统, to educate them as whole persons empowered to lead in making transformational changes toward a just and humane world. 这是我,作为院长,受到鼓舞去领导的使命.

我喜欢与学生接触的机会. 他们带着希望和梦想来到国外博彩app, and bring vitality and enthusiasm that pumps the heart and nurtures the soul of our college and university. 不仅如此, it is clear to me that they come to learn with a sense of purpose and responsibility to develop themselves as a person for others. 他们不只是在寻找一条路,他们致力于这段旅程. 他们不仅仅是在寻找一个方向,而是在致力于一项使命. Our 学生 are the next generation of the most trusted health practitioners and leaders. 作为一名教育工作者,我很荣幸能够帮助指导和指导这一学生群体.

和, 我很欣赏这种承诺, 精神, 和我们的教师的能量, 工作人员, 校友, and 社区 collaborators collectively have to uphold high standards of scholarly learning, 促进成就和成功, 培养包容和归属感, 所有人都在努力使世界变得更美好,更公平. 他们, 单独或一起, 扮演多种角色, 创造各种各样的空间, 并采取有意义的行动来支持个人, 家庭, 社区, and populations so they can achieve and maintain the highest level of health and well-being they deserve. 这是一群我知道我会茁壮成长的同事.

最后, I was drawn to the possibilities and prospects for what is next for our 护理学院 and 国外博彩app, 整体. I am animated by the big-thinking vision being crafted by our university leadership team, 由爱德华多校长Peñalver和教务长谢恩·马丁领导, 以及这对我们大学意味着什么. The 护理学院 will be a significant focus for how 国外博彩app will see itself and what it will become known for locally, 区域, 在全国范围内, 和全球. 作为一名管理者,我觉得有必要帮助实现这一未来.

话虽如此, 进入国外博彩app,担任护理学院院长一年级, 我需要学习和理解的东西太多了. 带着真诚的谦卑和丰富的活泼, 我会耐心观察, 积极地倾听, 亲切的问, 并且好奇地想知道——这样我才能最好地为我们学院的学生服务, 教师, 工作人员, 以及整个大学的合作伙伴, 社区, 及以后. 和我一起探索国外博彩app所提供的一切!




<但ton aria-controls="accordion-with-full-html--content-8252831-1" aria-expanded="true" aria-label="庆祝2024年全国护士周" class="accordion__但ton btn btn--small" data-toggle-type="menu" id="accordion-with-full-html--但ton-8252831-1"> 庆祝2024年全国护士周


今天是全国护士周(5月6日至12日)的开始。! 我们尊重每一位教员, 工作人员, 学生, and 校友 who represent 国外博彩app 护理学院 so well throughout our city, 地区, 状态, 和国家. We also beam with pride and optimism of the impact that our immediate next cohorts of nurses who complete our undergraduate and graduate programs will make as they move onto professional practice with brilliance as Redhawk Nurses. 和, 除此之外, we, 当然, pay tri但e to all nurses globally who selflessly dedicate their lives to bettering the health and well-being of others.

根据年度 盖洛普2023诚实与道德民意调查在美国,护士仍然是受访者最信任的职业nd 连续一年. 这当然值得强调, this comes as no surprise to us at 国外博彩app given our rootedness 耶稣会的传统 which is reflected in the ways we approach educating and inspiring leaders who will transform health care for a just and humane world.

Thinking back on my 31 years across various roles in professional practice and academia, 这让我想起了很多时刻, 大与小, 作为一名护士,我在哪些方面得到了好处和允许, as 佩德罗Arrupe他是耶稣会的高级总会长,鼓励他为他人做一个人. 和, 每一天, 整个护理学院社区, 我看到关怀和善良的行为在我们的教职员工之间和教职员工之外蔓延, 工作人员, 和学生, 那是我前进的动力.

为了纪念今年的全国护士周, 我和你们分享两件事,让我成为一名护士的心情变得愉快. 第一个, 当我们离得越来越远,离得越来越远, 虽然有些人仍然继续忍受, 的斗争, 痛苦, 以及过去几年大流行造成的损失, 《国外博彩app》这首诗(由作者阿曼达·戈尔曼精彩朗诵) 在这里) offers more than a glimmer of optimism as we move ahead with each new day striving to become “… the best of beings” (special thanks to Assistant Dean Marilyn Cope for calling attention to these beautiful words). 第二个, 作为美国护士协会的成员, I look forward to seeing nurses spotlighted against the backdrop of illuminated city landmarks across the nation through the 护士照亮天空 运动.


<但ton aria-controls="accordion-with-full-html--content-8252831-2" aria-expanded="true" aria-label="冬季季更新和纪念MLK & 黑人历史月" class="accordion__但ton btn btn--small" data-toggle-type="menu" id="accordion-with-full-html--但ton-8252831-2"> 冬季季更新和纪念MLK & 黑人历史月


这是令人兴奋的, 精力充沛的, and enriching time for me since stepping into the Deanship of the 护理学院 last July. I’ve gotten better acquainted with 教师 and 工作人员 throughout our college and the university and have had wonderful opportunities to engage with our 学生. 每个人都能轻松愉快地安顿下来. 我非常感谢所有人持续的热情和随时提供的帮助. 我可以诚实地说,我不再觉得自己是国外博彩app的新生了. 也就是说, I sincerely look forward to deeper engagement with all that 国外博彩app offers and greater rapport with all members of its 社区.

纪念博士. 马丁·路德·金.以及黑人历史月

随着2024年第一季度的到来, 1月, 抽出时间来纪念马丁·路德·金博士的一生和遗产. 马丁·路德·金. 庆祝整个二月的黑人历史, it is important to reaffirm our institution’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. 我庆祝了纪念马丁·路德·金博士的节日. 马丁·路德·金和他的成就通过参加我们圣. 伊格内修斯由黑人天主教咨询圈组织.

根据我们耶稣会的传统,我提醒大家,我们必须回应. 金的声明, “在所有形式的不平等中, 医疗保健方面的不公正是最令人震惊和不人道的.” I’m proud that our academic programs are designed to educate and inspire leaders to transform health care for a just and humane world. Recognizing and attending to the needs of those who are marginalized and oppressed by unfair systems and actions are core to how we at 国外博彩app prepare health care professionals.


I’m pleased to share that we saw high success among BSN graduates and current DNP 学生 completing their NCLEX exams in 2023. These pass rates reflect the commitment of our 教师 and 工作人员 to prepare 学生 for the new generation NCLEX exam and provide them with firm footing as they proceed into professional practice.

  • 护理学学士学位 program traditional 4-year graduates: 第一个-time pass rates was 89.61%,总体比率为94.8%
  • 护理学学士学位 program transfer graduates: 第一个-time pass rates was 82.1%,总体比率为90.5%
  • Doctoral 学生 in the Advanced Practice Nursing Immersion program: 第一个-time pass rates was 92.75%,总通过率为97.1%

I extend heartfelt congratulations to all of you who completed this important step on your way to starting your nursing career.


I welcome and thank all the members of our newly convened 学术 Nursing Advisory Board. This advisory board will provide a channel for perspectives from nurses in professional practice, 卫生系统领导职位, and 社区-/public-service roles to guide our pursuits to fulfill our mission and actualize our vision. 我们护理学院的领导团队很高兴有这些精彩的, well-accomplished nurses advise and support us in delivering high-quality education and training across our undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. 非常感谢他们每一个人愿意为我们服务.



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